Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fish Gotta Swim, Birds Gotta Fly, Man Gotta Sit and Wonder "Why?"

Ah, a finished product. I'm finally content with this piece. I went in and added more audio. I don't know why I didn't realize I had clips of birds before to add to the end. And I was also surprised to find that I didn't quite remember getting the other (louder) sound I added in near the end. I'm still trying to remember what it was I recorded. Also in terms of the video I added in a clip at the beginning that I think sets the tone nicely, a clip in the middle for a short breather and to give the movie some point of view, and a clip at the end that I think serves as I nice conclusion to the video. Really as a nice conclusion to my first year in Milwaukee as well.

Also, as an added treat I have made a map using google maps documenting where I went in this drift. I also made a google map documenting the locations of my other two drifts as well. My first drift I just collected audio and went here. My second drift I collected only video and went here. So now you can follow my path around the city and see all the things I saw.

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